2017 Easter Message for Canada West Archdeaconry
Dear beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I bring you a special Easter greetings on behalf of our Bishop, Rt. Rev Amos Fagbamiye and Mama ADOTT (Mama Abike Fagbamiye). Happy Easter to you! What a great privilege for us to witness another celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is a worthy remembrance; re-enactment, celebration and reminder that long ago a loving Savour died for his subject and resurrected to bring them life, freedom and ability to live for HIM. May God’s name be praised forever. Amen.
It is my prayer that the purpose of HIS resurrection will be fulfilled in our lives in Jesus’ name.
This year, I invite you to reflect on one of our popular Anglican hymns – Jesus lives, thy terrors now - written by Christian Fürchtegott Gellert. The hymn clearly summarises the purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection. I invite you to pay special attention to stanza three:
Jesus lives: for us He died
Then alone to Jesus living.
Pure in heart may we abide,
Glory to our saviour giving. Alleluia!
We must not forget to personalise the reason God sent his Son. – To die for us. He came as a substitute for us. He came to pay for our crime. He paid the prize we could not pay and the debt we owe but could now pay. He took away our sin. The Scriptures says in John 3:16. “For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world, that He even gave His One and only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him as Savior shall not perish, but have eternal life” (AMP)
We know for this reason the Son of God came to destroy the works of the enemy - the devil (I John 3:8b). As we celebrate this Easter, we must acknowledge personally and corporately that Jesus Christ came to die for us. His death must not be in vain or wasted in our lives. He is alive now and reigns for ever. We have an obligation to live for HIM in all purity and dedication.
Our world is filled with several evils, sins, distractions, hatred, waste and wickedness but we must proclaim daily the hope of forgiveness that comes through Jesus’ death and resurrection in our various works of life. Jesus died to break the chain, cycle, shackles and tyrannies of Sin. Only in this genuine proclamation can our world have hope and peace. Sinners must repent and believers in Christ must live for me. He died for us all!
This Easter season I enjoin you to live for Christ and proclaim the reason for his death and resurrection without fear or perversion. Wishing you and all your loved ones happy and glorious 2017 Easter
Christ is Risen, He is reason indeed Alleluia.
Sincerely in Christ,
Venerable Olukayode Adebogun