2016 Easter Message to Lay Ministers & Evangelists
Fellow Labourers in the Vineyard,
Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed Halleluiah.
Easter remind us of Christ victory over death and powers of darkness. As such we are serving a living Messiah. “Because He lives we can face tomorrow”. The season promises new hope, new goals and new aspirations. It is a perfect time to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ.
On behalf of the Diocesan Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Amos Fagbamiye and his amiable wife Mrs. Abike Fagbamiye (Mama ADT) I hereby remind us of the words of our Easter anthem “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast...”
Wishing you victory/abundance in all things possible and contentment for what you already have in your life.
Go and spread the Good News for Christ has risen.
Have a fruitful Easter Celebration.
Venerable John I. Onuorah++