Christmas Greeting - The Rt. Rev. Dr. Olukayode Adebogun (ADOTT)

Christmas greetings and message from the Diocesan Bishop of The Anglican Diocese of the Trinity (ADOTT) The Rt Rev Dr Olukayode Adebogun

Dearly beloved,

It is another Christmas season. We give thanks to God who has preserved our lives to witness another Christmas in the year 2024.

I bring you greetings on behalf of myself, as your servant leader and Diocesan for the Anglican Diocese of the Trinity (ADOTT), The Diocesan board, Mama ADOTT, The Clergy and Laity of this growing Diocese. I wish you and your loved ones, happy Christmas. This is a time of joy and hope. It is that hope we bring to you this season. Christ is our hope.

We have been through several challenges over the past 12 years as a Diocese. But in it all, we are more than conquerors. God has been faithful to us. God has strengthened our resolve and our hands. There was so much confusion during the birth of Jesus Christ. The world around him was confused. There was so much stress: the stress of the census, people going from place to place. For Mary, it was the pain of childbirth - a pregnant woman having to walk miles to be able to join others in the census. And to compound it, there was no room for the Savior of the world to be born. There was stress in the family. Joseph was confused - how would you expect him to marry a pregnant woman. It took God to step in into that situation. The confusion was obvious everywhere. But in the middle of that, God gave hope to the people. God gave hope to the family. God gave hope to everyone at that time. It is possible for Mary to have a stillbirth. But God was very clear that this would not be an option in HIS own case. The Scripture tells us in Matthew 1: 21 “She will give birth to a Son and you are to give him the name Jesus. Because he will save his people from their sin”. That is a clear message of hope for the people. A world that was in confusion - a deliverer is coming. A world without hope – a promise of certainty. The woman will give birth to a living child and that child will be called Jesus; he will deliver his people from their sins.

The prophetic message brought hope at that time. And that hope is the same message we bring to you today. In the midst of confusion, God gave hope to the people. You will agree with me. There is so much confusion in our world and families today. People are frustrated. Families are stressed. Things are very tight for many families. Families are going through serious challenges in several areas. Our churches, even our Diocese, is not immune from these unprecedented attacks and challenges. But in the middle of it all, this Christmas season, we are offering you a message of hope. Hope for today and hope for tomorrow. If Jesus came to deliver his people at that time. If the Son was born so that the people can be delivered. I want to assure you. Jesus, who is the hope of glory, has come to give you hope. There may be challenges in your home. There may be challenges at your place of work. Whatever it is, God understands our world better. He understands the challenges we go through.

And therefore, he sent Jesus Christ to give us hope. For every member of this Diocese, our message to you this year is a message of hope. We ask you to be hopeful in the Lord. We ask you to share that hope with your neighbors. We ask you to share that hope with your friends and well-wishers around you.

Don't forget, the essence of Christmas is Jesus Christ, who is the hope of glory. Jesus Christ is our hope of glory. Out of the despair of this world, God is still interested in us.

On behalf of everyone associated with the Anglican Diocese of the Trinity. We wish you a Merry Christmas filled with hope today and tomorrow. Our prayer is that the God of hope will visit you. The God of hope will come and tabernacle with you and your household. Once again, happy Christmas. May the Lord bless and keep you, now and forevermore. Amen.

Your brother and Bishop,

The Rt. Rev Dr. Olukayode Adenola Adebogun

Diocesan Bishop, ADOTT

Christmas 2024

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