2016 Easter Message to North-East Archdeaconry
Beloved in Christ:
I greet you by the Grace released unto us through the merits granted us in Christ Jesus by His Death and Resurrection. Yes, The Cross and The Empty Tomb have a message for us in this Season that speaks of the mysteries of the salvific plans of God.
How exemplifying are the powers of the Cross and The Empty Tomb as to the intent and power of our Almighty God unto the utmost to save and redeem 'whosoever will' through the salvific life and death of Christ Jesus. Beloved, be assured that our entire Christian walk is fueled by this limitless grace of God made limitlessly available to us through the mystery of the The Cross and The Empty Tomb.
As we labor in this archdeaconry, let's ever keep The Cross and The Empty Tomb in view knowing that what The Cross and The Empty Tomb wrought resulted in this God's limitless grace that is real and powerful in our lives. There’s nothing we can do that doesn't ultimately come from this grace. Yes, this very Easter remember that in the mystery of The Cross and The Empty Tomb is the grace that not only saves us, but God also spreads it throughout our lives...
In the mystery of The Cross and The Empty Tomb is the Grace that forgives us. (Isaiah 43:25) Though we don't deserve it, God wipes our slate clean by his grace.
In the mystery of The Cross and The Empty Tomb is the Grace that sustains us. (Phillippians 2:13) God will never ask us to do anything he doesn't give us the ability and the power to do. That power and ability is called grace.
In the mystery of The Cross and The Empty Tomb is the Grace that heals us. (Psalm 147:3) God heals our broken hearts and binds up our wounds.
In the mystery of The Cross and The Empty Tomb is the Grace that liberates us. (Matthew 11:28-30) Our relationship with Jesus isn't about what we do. Instead it’s about resting in what the Lord has already done. If your Christian life is not a life of resting in Christ, you're moving into legalism.
In the mystery of The Cross and The Empty Tomb is the Grace that gives us talents. (Romans 12:6) God has given each one of us the ability to do something well, and we're to use those abilities for him.
In the mystery of The Cross and The Empty Tomb is the Grace that transforms us. (Romans 12:2) Through His grace, God makes us new through the renewing of our mind.
In the mystery of The Cross and The Empty Tomb is the Grace that matures us. (2 Peter 3:18) God’s work of making us more like Jesus happens not because we've earned it, but by the grace of God.
Beloved In Christ, with the experience of this special and limitless God’s grace, we can live a life of joy! Blessed Easter and a Blessed Season to One and to All - In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yours in His Vineyard.
The Venerable Professor & Mrs. M. Joe Omeokwe