2015 Easter Message to Mid-West Archdeaconry
“And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, why are you seeking the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee”. Luke 24:5-6.
Happy Easter to you all, members of our beloved Midwest archdeaconry in the Missionary Diocese of the Trinity (MDT). It gives us great joy to write to you on this resurrection day. It was and is the day when death was turned to life, failure to success, shame to fame and disappointment to favor. It is the day that changed the human history and story for good. Today, we can shout and sing and rejoice with a hope that death is never the finality to our lives.
As a diocese, the story of Easter is very meaningful to us especially the verse quoted above. Our mission is to preach the risen Christ and not a dead God. Our mission is to seek him who is alive and make him known to others. Our mission is to always remember the words he spoke in the Bible and use it to govern, rule and instruct all our actions and speech. The risen Christ is central to our existence as believers.
As an archdeaconry, we hold firmly to the teachings of the risen Christ. As we continue to consolidate on the gains made for the Lord in 2014, we are strengthened and resolved to let the message of Easter rule our lives. We enjoin all members of in the Midwest archdeaconry to be faithful to the risen Christ, to love the risen Christ, to serve the risen Christ and to preach the risen Christ. The risen Christ ensures that all our storms, burdens, concerns and fears are taken care of, because when he rose he said “all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” Matthew 28:18, so he has the power to take care of our lives if and when we allow him to do so.
Finally, we want to encourage you to continue the work of God in your parish till the risen Christ comes to take us home to the place he prepared for us (John 14:1-3). We want you to cooperate with and continue to pray for the servants of God working in your midst for the risen Christ. We don’t know when the journey will end but we know that the risen Christ promised to be with us till the end (Matthew 28:20).
Once more, on behalf of the Lord Bishop and Mama MDT, my wife and I wish you a ‘Happy Easter’ and pray that the risen Christ will continue to grant you courage and peace in the midst of all life’s challenges.
Your friend and Archdeacon,
The Ven. Dr. and Mrs. Olugbenga Akinbola
Archdeacon of the Midwest.